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Competency and Qualifications for Practitioners in Private Practice

At the National Leaderology Association, we recognize the importance of competency, qualifications, and ongoing professional development for practitioners in private practice. Ensuring that practitioners possess the necessary knowledge, skills, and educational background is essential to provide effective leadership development services. Below, we outline the different levels of competency and qualifications required for practitioners within our association:

1. Leadership Apprentice (Enrolled in an Accredited Leadership Program):

Leadership students who are currently enrolled in an accredited leadership program, such as the Leadership Apprentice program, are in the early stages of their development and are not yet ready to practice leadership development independently. While they may have a foundational understanding of leadership principles, they should focus on their educational journey and gaining practical experience under the supervision of qualified professionals.

2. Leadership Specialist (Non-Degree Military Leadership Training or Accredited Leadership Certificate):

Individuals who have completed non-degree military leadership training or have obtained an accredited leadership certificate (with a minimum of 15 credit hours at any level) have acquired specialized knowledge in leadership. Although they may be able to practice or coach in limited scenarios, it is crucial for them to remain well within their area of training. Ideally, these individuals should seek collaboration with a leadership professional or leaderologist to ensure comprehensive support for their clients.

3. Leadership Professional (One Leadership Degree - Any Level):

Practitioners who have completed at least one leadership degree, regardless of the level, are qualified to engage in leadership development activities. However, it is important for them to acknowledge their limitations and recognize that they may not possess the full depth of leadership insight. These professionals should remain firmly within their realm of expertise, providing guidance and support to clients within their areas of training. They should also be prepared to collaborate with or refer to a leaderologist when the need arises for specialized knowledge or expertise.

4. Leaderologist I (Leadership Expert - Two Leadership Degrees):

Leaderologist I represents individuals who have completed two leadership degrees, indicating a high level of expertise and knowledge in leadership development. They are fully capable of handling a wide range of development functions; however, it is still important for them to collaborate with or refer to other leaderologists when encountering issues that fall outside their specific area of expertise. This collaboration ensures that clients receive the most comprehensive and specialized support available.

5. Leaderologist II (Leadership Authority - Three Leadership Degrees):

Leaderologist II represents individuals who have completed three leadership degrees, signifying an exceptional level of expertise and authority in the field of leadership development. They possess a comprehensive understanding of leadership principles, strategies, and methodologies. However, while they are fully capable of handling various development functions, they should continue to collaborate with or refer to other leaderologists regarding issues that may require additional expertise or specialized knowledge.

By defining these competency levels and qualifications, the National Leaderology Association aims to promote a high standard of professionalism and ensure that practitioners have the necessary qualifications and expertise to provide effective leadership development services. We encourage ongoing professional development and collaboration among practitioners to enhance their skills and provide the best possible support to clients.

Updated: 5/29/23

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